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Friday, November 6, 2009

At Simple Ramblings

The air around me shivers as if it wishes to whisper soothingly into me. I brush my straight, lanky auburn strands behind my ears to hear it better.

I don’t quite know why this blank green field called to me. But I know that it did, and I had to heed its warnings. I came and I stayed.

The grass here tickles the bottom of my soles, refreshing them. Perhaps my pilgrimage of indefinite destination stopped by this stretch of verdant short stalks only to alleviate the ache in my feet. Traveler’s weariness has pressed its mucky paws upon the tendons and ligaments that hold my body together.

I know why I ended up here. The simplicity of this grassland sheds the clutter of life behind. The open frolicking of the sun’s rays heals my body’s pain and tire. Here, I feel better.

My soul will take more than sunshine to repair its damage. Maybe this field will fix me. Let me listen to its song.

The humming of the wind has slowed. The words, once almost clear, have blurred into the inarticulate fondue of earth’s symphony. I cover my ears once again, shielding them from the cold. The sun has given me a flamboyant display of setting, yet I am yet immune to its charm. The emotion that has settled in me is only the discomfort of this sudden chill.

I feel my chilled pen fall limply in my palm as I scribble these last words: Good night world; convalescence is only but a dream now. Now, I dare dream.

Lillian Podlog

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