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Friday, November 6, 2009


Seniors! It's the last year of high school and there's so much to do! But college is on the horizon, and you have to make time to complete your college admissions applications, even though they may be intimidating. Here are some pointers to help ease your way through applying to college.

  • Academic history, including grades, standardized test scores, and difficulty of your classes, is one of the most important parts of your college application. College admissions officers like to see that you have challenged yourself throughout high school.
  • Your college application essay or personal statement is another important part of your application. Use this opportunity to show that you are a unique student who will add value to the college's student body.
  • Make a list of all of your extracurricular activities, school clubs, and accomplishments. Because you'll likely have limited space on the application, list your most impressive achievements first. Examples include leadership positions, academic or athletic awards, and community service accomplishments.
  • Show genuine interest in the college. Colleges are receiving more and more admissions applications each year, so you need to stand out. Admissions officers are more likely to admit you if they sense that you are genuinely interested in their college.
  • Proofread your application. Make sure that your writing is clear, compelling, and concise, and that it supports the ideas you are presenting. Ask your high school counselor, a parent, or a mentor to help you review your admissions application. Having a fresh set of eyes read what you've written will help prevent mistakes and give you valuable feedback.

Remember to breathe, be truthful, and most importantly be yourself! No sweat, we're scholars remember?

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