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Friday, November 6, 2009

My List

I find the senior year to be one of the hardest years of my life. Not only do I have to juggle college applications but I have high school and Miami Dade classes to keep up with. Most people, who are not in SAS, would go crazy and would not be able to handle the stress that comes from having so much on their plate. In order to prevent myself from giving up, I made a list that would help me through the year.

Get a girlfriend

Get friends; I wish I had some

Avoid “oxymorons”

Attend classes five minutes earlier than usual, 11:45

Recognize that the answer is always irony

Get the “Bruin” to accept me

Get a smaller white tee, medium isn’t small enough and manages to make it into the office

Sit by the “cool people” in building one

Get a brand new phone and a DS

Get a Micro SD (lol J), it is way better than a memory card

Send in this article before the deadline, whenever that is . . .

Avoid senioritis, aww never mind too late

By the person who is always around in the background even if you don’t know it, LITERALLY.



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